Energy Democracy | ENERGY DEMOCRACY Tue, 08 Nov 2022 14:06:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Energy Democracy | ENERGY DEMOCRACY 32 32 Les femmes pêcheuses construisent la justice climatique et l’égalité de genre dans le delta du Saloum Mon, 21 Mar 2022 08:31:36 +0000 Grâce à un programme de formation visant à renforcer les capacités de leadership et de gestion, les femmes pêcheuses siègent désormais dans les comités de gestion des ressources et les conseils municipaux. Pourtant, il en faut plus pour que les autorités locales et étatiques répondent à leurs préoccupations concernant la surpêche et les usines de…

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The Fisherwomen of the Saloum Delta Mon, 21 Mar 2022 07:57:30 +0000 Thanks to a training programme to strengthen women’s leadership capacities and management skills, the fisher women now have seats on executive committees and municipal councils. Yet more is needed to make the local and state authorities address their concerns around overfishing and the fishmeal factories. Nevertheless, a cultural shift is under way, as action research…

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კოოპერატივები ხელს უწყობს გენდერულ თანასწორობას და ებრძვის ენერგეტიკულ სიღარიბეს საქართველოს სოფლებში Thu, 10 Mar 2022 14:24:45 +0000 ამ ახალი ტექნოლოგიების წარმოების, პოპულარიზაციისა და მონტაჟის მიზნით შეიქმნა ოთხი სათემო ენერგეტიკული კოოპერატივი. ეს კოოპერატივები დემოკრატიულად იმართება მათი წევრების მიერ. ისინი ხელს უწყობს ქალთა გაძლიერებას ლიდერთა ტრენინგის, გადაწყვეტილების მიმღები პოზიციებისათვის გენდერული კვოტებისა და ზოგადად, პროექტის მიდგომაში ქალთა საზრუნავის ინტეგრირების გზით. 2021 წლისთვის ფუნქციონირებდა 1000-ზე მეტი მზის წყალგამაცხელებელი და 300 ენერგოეფექტური ღუმელი. ამას ცოტა ხნის წინ კიდევ…

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The regions of Imereti, Samegrelo, Samtskhe Javakheti and Shida Kartli Thu, 10 Mar 2022 14:10:00 +0000 Four community-based energy cooperatives have been set up to produce, promote and install these new technologies. These cooperatives are democratically governed by their members, encourage women empowerment through leadership training, gender quotas for the decision-making positions and generally integrating women’s concerns in the project approach. By 2021, more than 1,000 solar water heaters and 300…

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How Mannheim is harnessing social innovation to master the energy transition Thu, 09 Sep 2021 08:50:23 +0000 The status quo Currently, Mannheim is facing several challenges to reduce its emissions: Its coal-fired power plant Grosskraftwerk Mannheim (GKM) supplies not only the city’s 320,000 residents, but also those of neighbouring cities – a total of 2.5 million households receive power from the plant and 160,000 are connected to its district heat system. Furthermore,…

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Cork City’s many transitions Thu, 09 Sep 2021 08:43:59 +0000 Transitioning city spaces The world’s second largest natural harbour is located at the southernmost tip of Ireland. Travel 25 km upstream and you will arrive at the small city of Cork. An amalgamation of Ireland’s unindustrialized past and the cosmopolitan present, crumbling plasterwork and 17th century cathedrals seem right at home beside the sleek urban…

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Tampere: engaging housing co-ops and residents in the drive towards carbon neutrality Mon, 01 Mar 2021 16:02:00 +0000 Background Tampere lies in south-west Finland and is home to some 235,000 people, which makes it the third biggest city in the country. Being the first industrialized Finnish city, Tampere was always at the forefront of technical innovation: electric lightbulbs, for instance, were already widely used here shortly after their invention in the 19th century.…

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How Greater Manchester plans to reach carbon neutrality by 2038 Mon, 01 Mar 2021 15:56:52 +0000 Greater Manchester is one of the UK’s most advanced municipalities when it comes to climate protection and the energy transition. Located in the North West of England, the metropolitan area with its 2.8 million inhabitants has already won prizes[1] for its green efforts. It also made it to the Carbon Disclosure Project’s 2019 A-List of…

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Empowering local communities through partnership in Meath Mon, 01 Mar 2021 15:49:59 +0000 Sustainable Energy Communities (SEC), run through the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI), offer communities the opportunity to become more energy conscious and energy efficient. Once a steering group is established, the next step is to develop an Energy Master Plan (EMP) for the community. A grant is available to pay a consultant to do…

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The Drechtsteden: moving away from fossil gas and involving residents in the process Fri, 26 Feb 2021 12:38:15 +0000 The region sees the phase-out of gas as multi-faceted: it also entails the need for well-insulated homes, the potential to create jobs, and the importance of looking beyond 2030. In this article, we talk about our current approach to reducing households’ gas dependency and the challenges and opportunities we identify for the years to come.…

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