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Plymouth Energy Community

A story about energy transition and social justice

To tackle climate change and fight fuel poverty, Plymouth City Council worked in collaboration with the local community to establish the Plymouth Energy Community (PEC). This organization, owned by the community and run for the community, seeks to increase local ownership of energy infrastructure and undertakes projects to support households that are excluded from the energy system through fuel poverty.

Supporting energy democracy through a Green New Deal

How policy interventions can tackle the connected crises of climate change and inequality

The Green New Deal is a plan to tackle the connected crises of climate change and inequality. One major goal of the Green New Deal is to achieve 100% decarbonized energy. But, far beyond reducing carbon, a Green New Deal would invest in projects to green the economy that create unionized, family-sustaining wages in sectors old and new, break up corporate monopoly power, and provide all communities equitable access to things like clean air and water. In sum, it is a major mobilization towards a different type of economy.

Slavutych, Ukraine – The community energy story you need to hear!

Chernobyl’s refugees host their first solar cooperative

The Chernobyl disaster was one of the most catastrophic incidents in (nuclear) energy history. Many people still remember the feeling of danger and the safety instructions broadcast on the news… younger people might have watched the more recent and very successful TV show. No matter which group you are part of, this story will make you believe in the community energy power!